Features 98 bird calls taken from the Len Gillard Collection of Southern African Bird Calls. Afrikaans names included. Compiled by Alan Reid. Track Listing: Cattle Egret Hamerkop Hadeda Ibis Egyptian Goose Little Sparrowhawk African Goshawk Cape Spurfowl Natal Spurfowl Helmeted Guineafowl Crowned Lapwing Spotted Thick-knee Speckled Pigeon African Olive Pigeon Red-eyed Dove Cape Turtle Dove Laughing Dove African Green Pigeon Purple-crested Turaco Grey Go-away-bird Red-chested Cuckoo Klaas's Cuckoo Diderick Cuckoo Burchell's Coucal Barn Owl Spotted Eagle Owl Little Swift African Palm Swift Speckled Mousebird Redfaced Mousebird Pied Kingfisher Brown-hooded Kingfisher African Hoopoe Green Wood-Hoopoe Black-collared Barbet Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Crested Barbet Cardinal Woodpecker Red-throated Wryneck Barn Swallow Greater Striped Swallow Lesser Striped Swallow Rock Martin Fork-tailed Drongo Black-headed Oriole Pied Crow Cape Bulbul Dark-capped Bulbul Sombre Greenbul Kurrichane Thrush Olive Thrush Groundscraper Thrush Familiar Chat Mocking Cliff Chat White-browed Robin-Chat Red-Capped Robin-Chat Cape Robin-Chat Willow Warbler Bar-throated Apalis Tawny-flanked Prinia Fiscal Flycatcher African Paradise Flycatcher Cape Wagtail Fiscal Shrike Southern Boubou Black-backed Puffback Bokmakierie Orange-breasted Bush Shrike Grey-headed Bush Shrike Common Starling Common Myna Violet-backed Starling Cape Glossy Starling Red-winged Starling Cape Sugarbird Malachite Sunbird Southern Double-collared Sunbird Greated Double-collared Sunbird White-bellied Sunbird Scarlet-chested Sunbird Amethyst Sunbird Collared Sunbird Cape White-Eye House Sparrow Cape Sparrow Grey-headed Sparrow Thick-billed Weaver Village Weaver Cape Weaver Southern Masked Weaver Golden Weaver Southern Red Bishop Common Waxbill Bronze Mannikin Pintailed Whydah Dusky Indigobird Yellow-fronted Canary Cape Canary Streakyheaded Canary