At the behest of a mysterious wizard dwelling deep within the island's enigmatic heart, players embark upon a whimsical expedition to a tropical wonderland teeming with plump and endearingly clumsy turkeys. Armed with a deck of potent spell cards bestowed by the wizard himself, they shall stalk their quarry through alien beaches. Each card unleashes a unique enchantment – from conjuring fiery explosions to calling down lightning strikes or unleashing devastating blasts of searing plasma! Fulfilling the wizard's enigmatic desires and earning renown as the island's foremost conjurer. I'm a wizard, and I terraform planets and conjure up islands. Don't worry too much about the details...I will lend you my power so you can help clean up the islands. For some reason, they are infested with derpy-looking turkeys. Scroll around the screen to find turkeys and tap the screen to cast a spell. Your active spell is displayed on the bottom right of the screen. After each cast, a random spell card will be drawn for you for the next attack. Fireball is most likely, and the blue plasma spells the least.