Protect yourself from digital deception with TruVideo - a tool that identifies AI-generated content in photos and videos in real time on-device. Whether you're capturing live moments or analyzing existing media, TruVideo-AI Detector leverages advanced machine learning models to uncover AI-manipulated audio, images, and video elements—all processed entirely on-device for maximum privacy and speed. Key Features Instant AI Detection: Capture photos or video snippets and instantly analyze them for AI-generated or cloned elements, including deepfake audio, altered images, or video manipulations. 100% On-Device Processing: Your media never leaves your device—our AI models run entirely on your phone, ensuring total privacy and data security. Privacy First: No cloud processing, no third-party data sharing—TruVideo-AI Detector works offline to protect your sensitive information. Real-Time Insights: Quickly flag suspicious content in your captured media with fast, accurate detection. User-Friendly Interface: Easily capture and analyze media with a simple, intuitive UI designed for both personal and professional use. Whether you're a content creator, security professional, or concerned consumer, TruVideo-AI Detector empowers you with the tools to detect and defend against AI-generated manipulation in your media. Stay ahead of the digital curve with TruVideo-AI Detector!