Just as reading salat in Turkish is not permitted or a viable substitute, reading the Turkish version of the Quran is not considered a substitute for Arabic. One does not replace the other, and reading the Quran in English is a supplement to the original. Ideally, we as Muslims must strive to learn Arabic to understand Allah’s word in the manner He revealed it. But until then, we can reference a translation simply to grasp the main elements of the Quran. In this app you'll find both the Arabic Quran and The Turkish translation of the Quran in mp3 and pdf How can I use translation and tafsir to understand the Quran? If you do not speak to read Arabic, so your understanding of the Qur’an and Islam will come from translation and tafsir. You need to believe that Allah will give you discernment when your heart is truly trying to discover the truth. That being said, when using translations and tafsir remember that that's someone else’s breakdown of the meaning of the surah, ayat, etc. Read the translation and tafsir and ask Allah for guidance and understanding. He will teach you and give you the knowledge and understanding needed for you and your life’s journey. Remember, the relationship is between you and Allah alone. (Quran 2:186) (O Muhammad), when My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am quite near; I hear and answer the call of the caller whenever he calls Me. Let them listen to My call and believe in Me; perhaps they will be guided aright. Do I have to read Quran in Arabic if I don’t understand it? Isn’t it pointless to read Quran in a language I don’t know? Yes, reading Quran in Arabic can be difficult for non-native Arabic speakers. Or for those that did not grow up learning to read Arabic from an early age. However, you should bear in mind these two important matters, which are from the bounty of Allah that He has bestowed upon His slaves. The first is that Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “And We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)?” [al-Qamar 54:17]. The second is that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who is skilled in reciting Qur’an will be with the noble, honorable scribes and the one who recites Qur’an and falters therein, and finds it difficult, will have a double reward.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (4937) and Muslim (798). The Arabic Quran is the only Quran in Shariah because that is how it was revealed. Anything other than that is not Quran; instead, it is a translation of the Quran. Translations understand the general message of the Quran, but it does not accurately relay all of the Quran’s contents, which can only be derived from Arabic. Any rulings and guidance from Quran are taken from the one and only Quran revealed in Arabic and not in another language. Other languages of the Quran are merely a man’s interpretation of the general content within the Quran. Quran, in translation, is a man-made version of a divine revelation. Incomparable comparison. No translations can replace the words of the Quran. Reading Quran in any other language is not reading THE Quran. Reading the Turkish Quran (or any other translation) is meant only to grasp its meaning at a surface level. The Quran was relayed to us word for word in Arabic. The reward for reading the Quran is for reading it in Arabic, and the merits of reciting different chapters in the Quran are only applicable when reading THE Quran in Arabic. Of course, all rewards and punishments are ultimately with Allah. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will receive one good deed as ten good deeds like it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is one letter, but rather Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter.” Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2910