

By Alexander Blach


Textastic is a powerful and fast text, code, and markup editor. • Syntax highlighting of more than 80 programming and markup languages • Supported file types include HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, Markdown, Objective-C, Swift, C++, PHP, Perl, Python, SQL, shell scripts and many more • Compatible with TextMate and Sublime Text 3 syntax definitions and themes • Code completion for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, C, and Objective-C • Open files in tabs • Open folders in a sidebar • Find in files • Print files • Symbol list to quickly navigate in a file • Emmet support built-in • Auto Save and Versions • iCloud document sync • Full support for Dark Mode Please note: You can use Textastic for iPad and iPhone to sync files between the Mac, iOS, and iPadOS versions of Textastic using iCloud Drive.


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