

By Finn Voorhees


HextEdit is a fast and lightweight hex editor for viewing and editing binary data. Quickly edit virtually any file type at a low level in a simple and native app. Key Features * Byte inspector Edit bytes as little or big endian signed or unsigned integers, floats, or doubles. View values as binary, decimal, or hexadecimal numbers. * Fast incremental find Find strings, integers, and byte patterns in files. HextEdit has incremental background find, allowing you to continue working while searching very large files. * Fast and native HextEdit runs natively on both Intel-based CPUs and Apple Silicon for great performance. Built using Swift, HextEdit uses an efficient data structure for fast editing of files big or small. * Designed for macOS From the app icon to the full-height sidebar, HextEdit is designed to fit in with macOS and resizes well to adapt to any use case. And more: * Fast and native! * Insert, delete, copy, or paste bytes or strings * Undo/redo * Search for strings, integers, and bytes * Edit bytes as integers, floats, or doubles in any radix * Jump to offset * Zero selected bytes * File version history


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