Japanese Browser - by Yomiwa

Japanese Browser - by Yomiwa

By Nomad AI OU

star 4.8 From 62 Ratings


Yomi Browser is a web browser that can add furiganas (word pronunciation in latin alphabet or in hiraganas) above each Japanese word. You can also tap each Japanese word to get its definitions in multiple target languages. Yomi Browser's offline dictionaries provide you with detail information of words, including numerous examples sentences, and kanjis (stroker order, on-yomi, kun-yomi. meaning etc.). Moreover you can build your own vocabulary lists, or check the prebuilt ones, and use Yomi Browser as a powerful study companion. EXTENSIVE DICTIONARY: • Detailed information about words (~ 200K entries) and kanjis (on-yomi, kun-yomi, meaning, stroke order, compounds etc.) • Huge database of example sentences (> 250K) built from numerous sources • More than 20 target languages available, such as English, French, German, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Hungarian, Chinese, Dutch, Slovene, Swedish etc. • For advanced learners and natives: an extensive Japanese-Japanese dictionary • Listen to the Japanese pronunciation of words and example sentences through the "Speak" function VOCABULARY LISTS: • Build vocabulary lists of Japanese words, kanjis or sentences (which you can share as files or text in many ways) • Browse the numerous pre-built kanji and word lists, ordered by JLPT levels, school grades and topics STUDY WITH FLASHCARDS: • You can learn words in a fun way with flashcards. Pick up any deck from your own lists and history, then start learning them with flashcards • Everyday, a new deck is built based on your learning statistics in order to optimise your memorising power We are very responsive to your feed-back and suggestions: [email protected]


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