GPS is a innovative solution by Infinity Transoft Solution Pvt. Ltd. to all users who are having fleet of vehicles. iGPS allow them to track their buses live from app and help them to set alert based on their Events. iGPS allow Bus Operators / Owners to track their buses with the help of GPS installed in the buses. Operators are able to track current location of buses, bus/driver details, ETA and are able to manage their daily routines at the same time. > Easy to use. Only login credentials is required to track any bus. > Can track multiple buses from single application. > Provide current location of bus with current speed. > Traffic and route of bus with stoppage is available in advance on map. > User can track complete details of Driver, Bus and can call the driver if needed. > User can track multiple buses at the same time. If you like iGPS... wink Please Don’t Forget to Rate it!