Nano for Reddit

Nano for Reddit

By Will Bishop

star 4.3 From 905 Ratings
  • Category News
  • Release Date 2018-04-24
  • Current Version 1.4
  • File Size 34.08 MB
  • Links Google Play


"[Nano for Reddit] operates smoothly, resulting in a frustration-free Reddit experience" - DigitalTrends Nano is the best way to browse Reddit on your Apple Watch. From voting on posts, checking your inbox, and reading the latest news, Nano has you covered. Nano was designed from the ground up to utilize​ the Apple Watch's unique screen size and layout, and what resulted was an intuitive and smooth Reddit experience. Nano also has inline-Twitter support, GIF support, an inbuilt article reader, and so much more! Note: Some features displayed in the screenshots are part of an optional paid pro upgrade. These include favorites​, multireddits, more than 5 subscriptions, and Handoff support.


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