sway~ motion blur trending cam

sway~ motion blur trending cam

By Cardinal Blue

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sway's not here to waste your time ~ get in ~ take your photo ~ mess it up ~ save ~ get out ~ capture your moment ~ right now we have not 1, not 2, but THREE beautiful cams for u - motion blur, fisheye and the beloved emoji cam AKA the lovecam - & there’s more to come… we care about: ~~~ quality over quantity ~~~ we craft our cams carefully and only add them when they're ready ~~~ fun over friction ~~~ minimal edit controls ~ just the right amount we seek out trending effects that are hard to craft and we make them…. effortless. ...srsly we might look simple but there’s a lot of tech under the hood, thank u devs we appreciate u ;) -~~ you ~~~ every update and new feature we add is decided by you - our users. write us!! suggestions or complaints ~ we love to hear it all [email protected] or @sway.cams on socials t h e d e t a i l s ~~~motion blur cam~~~~ adjust the: - amount of blur - direction of your blur - what gets blurred (everything, just you, or just behind you) can’t decide? shake your phone, we’ll decide for you (trust us - just shake it and see ;)) ~~~fish eye cam~~~ adjust the: — fit or fill — size of your bubble — aMoUnT of yoUr wArP ~~~...and our next cam… talk filters with us~~~ [email protected] we are deadly serious - we have big plans - but we want your input on what we add next email us your thoughts, ideas, complaints, dreams and more at [email protected] and a human will read it and appreciate you (so be nice) ~lots of love team sway~ Terms of Service: http://cardinalblue.com/tos Privacy Policy: https://cardinalblue.com/privacy

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